Tim McNalley

Kevin Smith, Retired December 2023
Kevin Smith is a Luthier and his handcrafted violins and violas are crafted with an understanding of the instrument, its voice, and the musician. His unique blend of skill and experience create an instrument that feels like a seamless extension of the player, allowing a passionate musician to experience a dynamic range of sound intuitively.
In 2008, Kevin completed two 16 1/8" Tertis model violas. Each instrument was tailored to fit the demanding requirements of accomplished musicians. He has recently completed a Del Gesu model violin. To try this instrument or one of his recent violas please let us know.
Kevin brings a lifetime of experience to The Violin Shop. He received his Luthier degree from The Violin Making School of America in Salt Lake City, Utah in 1976. He went on to continue his violin, viola and cello education at William Moennig & Son in Philadelphia where he trained with Robert Cauer for over 2 years. From there he went on to train under Roland Feller in San Francisco for an additional 2 years. Kevin has been in the business of building custom made violins and violas as well as restoring and repairing instruments and bows since 1972.